The Most Beautiful Bouquet
Which flowers make the most beautiful bouquet? Are daffodils better than lilacs? Are tulips prettier than roses? Most will say the best bouquets include a wonderful assortment of flowers!
I joined The Village of St. Edward in 2016 and am honored to work with residents, families and friends who wish to support the mission of The Village through gifts that are realized now and in the future.
As Vice President of Development, I work with donors who want to make immediate gifts, large and small, sometimes for specific purposes. I also have the unique privilege of working with individuals and families who have included or have considered including The Village in their estate plans. Every gift matters, because every gift supports the work of The Village.
Some donors know exactly what they want to do and when. Others explore options and make decisions based on their needs and the needs of The Village. Like flowers, each is beautiful and adds to our bouquet!
Would you like to add to our “bouquet?” Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions:
What/how can you give?
• Cash
• Marketable securities
• Appreciated assets
• IRA rollovers or retirement Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)
• Insurance
• Remember The Village in your will
What can your gift do?
• Celebrate a special life event or person
• Remember someone you love
• Help provide for the spiritual care of all residents
• Earn income for the rest of your life and still support The Village
• Ensure residents of The Village always have a home
• Provide for nursing and staff education
• Sustain Memory Care programs
It is my privilege to help you meet your philanthropic goals while making our “bouquet” more beautiful! Please feel welcome to call (234) 466-0556 or email to discuss your ideas.
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